Our Handbook




Henderson Elementary School
Student/Parent Handbook

It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to see that their child attend school regularly.   Absences are either classified as excused or unexcused.
A written statement which provides the reason for the absence and is signed by the parent is the preferred verification of an absence.  Alternate means of notification shall include telephone contact with the parent.  If your child will be absent or tardy please call the absence line at 703-670-0733.  All explanations of absences shall be received by the school no later than the second day after the student returns to school.  Failure to produce an appropriate explanation for an absence by the second day shall result in an unexcused absence.  A student who is absent for a reason that is determined to be “unexcused” may receive a “0” for any graded work which occurred during the day of the unexcused absence.    Students absent for more than ten days in a school year may be considered for retention.  Advance notice (24 hours) is necessary for teachers to prepare make-up work.  Students will be allowed 2 days for each day absent to complete make-up work.

Prearranged Absence – In order for any prearranged absence to be classified as excused, the principal shall be notified in writing at least five school days prior to the absence.  The educational value of the proposed experience and the impact of the absence on the student’s academic progress will be given consideration in determining whether a prearranged absence is approved or disapproved.  Teachers are not required to provide assignments in advance of the absence.  ( PWCPS Regulation 724-1)

Bringing Toys to School
Students should not bring toys, games, etc. to school unless they have been asked to by their teachers. The student will assume responsibility for any item brought to school. Students should not bring tape recorders, radios, CD players, or sports equipment.  Students should under no circumstances bring anything that can be used as a weapon to school or bring toy weapons to school.

Outstanding cafeteria manners are expected from the students attending Henderson Elementary School to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for all!
Cafeteria rules include:

  • remain seated at the table during the lunch period
  • talk quietly with the people at your table
  • clean paper trash up from the table area
  • follow the directions of the hostess on duty
  • raise your hand if you need assistance
Classroom Observations

Parents are welcome to observe classes at school.  Please call the school first and set up a mutually agreeable time with your child’s teacher.  All classroom observations will be limited to 45 minutes.  Also, because classroom instruction is in progress, please do not have a conference with the teacher during the observation.

Code of Behavior

We have high expectations of our students and believe that self-discipline leads to sound instructional growth.  Proper discipline is expected at the bus stop, on the bus, on the way to/from school, in the hallways and bathrooms, in the classroom, at lunch, and on the playground. Teachers will review the Code of Behavior, Elementary Workbook Supplement, and the Henderson S.O.A.R. Program with students.  You are also required to read this material and review it with your child.

Discipline referral forms are used when necessary.  Parents will be notified in such a situation.  Suspension may be used at times with regard to behavior management.  Cooperation and support between school and home is crucial.  

We encourage parent/teacher conferences at any time and feel that it is important to keep in close contact.  Should you desire a conference with your child's teacher to discuss his/her progress, please call the office and schedule an appointment date.  DO NOT attempt to “drop in” on the teacher prior to school beginning.  The teachers have responsibilities and their professionalism should be respected.  The principal and assistant principal also welcome conferences with parents.  It is recommended, however, that parents do communicate with the classroom teacher first before making an appointment with the principal.  Any concerns brought forth to the principal or assistant principal will be shared with the teacher in order to facilitate necessary changes and proper communication.

Dress Code
All students are expected to dress appropriately and maintain a reasonable appearance.  Student dress and overall appearance must meet basic standards of health, safety, cleanliness and decency. We consider the ankle length dresses and pants/trousers that “drag” on the ground to be hazardous and therefore are not acceptable.  Sneakers or other suitable rubber-sole shoes are required for gym use and other outdoor activities.  Rubber flip-flops and backless shoes are not acceptable.  Students are not allowed to wear make-up (unless in a play, etc.).  If dress or appearance is questionable, the parent will be contacted.  Review the Code of Behavior for more specific guidelines with regard to this item.

Health Information
Teachers and office staff should be notified of any pertinent health information, such as allergies, diabetes, epilepsy or others for your child's safety and well being.  It is imperative that you keep both the office staff and teachers informed of any changes in child’s health throughout the year.

Homework will be incorporated as a meaningful component of the instructional process. The purpose of homework will be identified and articulated by the teacher.  Homework is a student’s responsibility and parent involvement in homework should be kept to a minimum.  If a student forgets an assignment or books and the parent brings it to school, this item will be placed in the teacher’s mailbox so that classroom instruction is not interrupted. 

Students will not be allowed to return to classrooms to retrieve forgotten assignments at the end of the school day if the teacher is gone for the day.  The building is locked at 4:30 each day; please do not return after this time, the custodians cannot open the building for anyone to retrieve forgotten items.  Please keep in mind that the only way to teacher responsibility is to make someone responsible for their own items.  Let children be responsible for their own actions.


Inclement Weather

Please be sure you have made your children aware of what to do if schools are closed, open late, or close early.  Parents should be particularly clear in their instructions regarding what to do if schools close early.  A little advance planning will certainly help ease everyone’s mind. 

Instructional Programs

Language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science are the four core curriculum areas of study.  In addition, all students receive instruction in art, music, physical education, library, guidance and instructional technology.  Fifth grade students may elect to take strings.  Reading resource, special education, and gifted education services are also available.

Illness at School/Requirements in Administrating Medication
If a child becomes ill while at school, or should he/she have an accident, we will notify you by phone to come and get your child.  Any fever over 100* requires that a child be picked up from school and he/she may not return to school until “fever free” for 24 hours.
School personnel may give medication to students ONLY as outlined below.
It is the parent(s)/guardian(s) responsibility to provide the following:

  • Medicine to be taken at school must be in the original container with the prescription label and must be taken to the office where it will be kept in a secure area. (This includes over-the-counter medications).  Medication not picked up at the end of the duration/school year will be destroyed. 

b.     A school form must be filled out by the parent(s)/guardian(s) specifying the medication by name and giving permission for the school staff to medicate their child in accordance with the physician's directions.  A handwritten note from the parent will not be acceptable.  Forms are available in the office on the PWCS website.  In addition, a form must be completed by the physician for prescription medication and over the counter medication that is needed for more than three consecutive days.
c.     Medication must not exceed the expiration date.

Please be sure to advise your child to report any real or suspected injuries to his/her teacher immediately. A record of this must be kept in the office.

Breakfast, lunch, school-made dessert, milk and a la Carte items are available for purchase.  Meal tickets may be purchased for any number of days desired.  Children must remember to bring money or lunch, as we do not have the funds to loan money.  A note will be sent notifying parents of any charges if they do not have funds to pay for their meal.  Parents should send payment the next school day.  Any student with two unpaid charge slips will not be permitted to charge again until the debt is paid.

Parents are welcome to have a meal with their child at anytime.  Please send a note to the teacher on the day you will be attending.   If a visitor is joining your child for a meal, we must be informed in writing in advance or the visitor must be listed on the child’s emergency card.
Students may not bring glass bottles or canned drinks (sodas).

We ask your help in seeing that pets do not accompany students to school (dogs, frogs, snakes, spiders, etc.). Pets are not permitted on school property during the school hours outside of a vehicle.

Report Cards and Interims

Report cards are sent home every 9 weeks.  Interim reports are sent every 4 1/2 weeks.

Safety Patrols
An effective safety patrol organization, under adult supervision, functions in the building, with adult crossing guards, and on school buses.  Patrols are on duty approximately ten minutes before students are allowed on school grounds.  These students come from fifth grade classes. The only time student safety patrols will not be on duty is when we are under a tornado watch, ice storm, severe thunderstorm watch, hurricane/wind conditions or snow.  Parents must be aware of this and take appropriate action for their own child during the dismissal period.  Sometimes a condition may arise at the last minute before the dismissal, and there is not enough time to make contact with all parents.  Please be advised of this possibility and plan ahead with your child.

Student Dismissal

Students must be signed out through the office by the parent or authorized adult if leaving school prior to the conclusion of the school day.  This authorization should be given either through the emergency card or in written form through the school office.  If you know that you will be picking your child up early from school please send a note in with your child so that the teacher may plan accordingly.

Student School Records
Parents have the right to review their child's formal school file at any time.  We ask that an appointment be made through the main office in advance.
If you would like a copy of any document from your child’s file you may request but must allow 24 hours for your request to be processed.


Tardy Students
All students arriving at school after the last bell are tardy and must be signed in by an adult in the reception area or office before entering the classroom. If your child will be absent or tardy please call the tardy/absent line at 703-670-0733. 

The telephone is an essential instrument for school operation.  Please do not ask us to deliver reminders or messages to students other than of an emergency nature. 

We request that parents notify the school office, in writing, at least one week prior to moving.         
When a child is enrolled in another school , all records are sent upon registration at the new school.  Official records are sent when the receiving school requests them. 

The Prince William County School System requires all school visitors to sign in at the office or the welcome table and leave photo identification. Visitors/Volunteers will be issued a visitor’s pass.  Parents stopping by the school are asked to leave messages, funds, etc., at the receptionist or office and NOT to go directly to the classroom without office approval. Messages will be delivered by the end of the school. Teachers have an instructional responsibility to students during the day and may not leave the group unattended to handle individual "drop-in" parent visits.

Please let your teachers or the main office know if you can provide time and assistance.  WE NEED YOU!  All volunteers are required to sign acknowledgement and understanding of the guidelines for volunteering in PWCPS.



The PrinceWilliamCountySchool Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion, or national origin.