Book Clubs
The classroom teacher may use various book clubs. If you voluntarily choose to participate, please make checks payable to the name of the book club. Checks made out to the individual teacher or cash will not be accepted.
Field Trips
Students may be asked to share the cost of field trips (entrance fees, buses, etc.). Parents will be asked to chaperon these activities. Classes are limited to two field trips per year. Box lunches may be ordered a day ahead for field trips.
Fire Drills
Virginia State Law requires that fire drills be held in each public school on a regular basis. Fire drills are held each week for the first month of school and once a month thereafter. Fire evacuation routes are posted in every area of Henderson Elementary.
Fund Raisers
Henderson Elementary will have fund raising activities. Profits realized will be used to support the Student Cooperative Association, safety patrols, special school activities, and the school instructional program. Your support and assistance with these fundraisers will be greatly appreciated. Henderson Elementary fundraisers are:
School Store – Open daily for the sale of basic school supplies.
Individual School Pictures – Individual student pictures will be taken in the fall. Individual school pictures and class group pictures will be taken in the spring.
School Book Fair – This will take place in the fall.
Henderson Yearbook – The sale of memory books to interested students will take place in the spring.
Learning Disabilities Program
This program is available to students in grades K-5 who have average or above-average capabilities, but are experiencing difficulties with one or more phases of the academic program being presented in the classroom. Prior screening must be completed. These students may meet in small groups or individually with the Learning Disabilities Specialist to strengthen the student's weaknesses in these areas.
Math Program
A variety of resources are used in the math program. Concepts and computational skills will be equally stressed. Programs stress the importance of hands-on instruction for learning.
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion, or national origin.
Popcorn is available for purchase by students on Fridays for .25.
"R.E.A.C.H." Center (Gifted) Program
An on-site Gifted and Talented program is available for students who have been identified as gifted. This program provides a continuum of services that will enrich and expand their educational experiences.
Reading/Language Arts
Our balanced literacy program uses both whole group and flexible, small group instruction. Resources include trade books as well as S.T.A.R. computer software - as one assessment tool for measuring achievement and growth. Integrated into our daily program is independent, shared and guided reading with a major emphasis on comprehension, specific skills (including phonics), and language development.
Reading Resource
This program is currently available to students in grades 1-3 who exhibit difficulty employing reading strategies for comprehension. Students are accepted into the program based on testing and classroom teacher recommendations.
School Colors
Henderson Elementary’s school colors are blue and white.
School Mascot
The Henderson Elementary school mascot is a husky.
S.C.A. (Student Cooperative Association)
The student council's purpose is to aid children in becoming good citizens of the school, community, state and nation. Elections are held in September. Members of the council are from each class. The council meets during the regular school day. The S.C.A. operates the School Store and sponsors many special events.
School Store
The S.C.A. operates a small store to handle a limited amount of supplies that the children may need. The store is open every morning, Monday-Friday, before school. The children are responsible for handling the money they need for supplies. We suggest that you provide your child with a small purse or wallet with proper identification. We are sure that you will appreciate the value in teaching your child the responsibility for safeguarding his/her money while attending school. An itemized list of materials to buy in the "Yukon Trading Post" will come home during the first month of school. Student sales clerks handle the store.
Speech Program
This program is available to students in grades PK-5 who experience difficulty in spoken language or in language expression. The students meet individually or in small groups with the speech therapist to remediate these difficulties. Prior screening must be completed
Strings Instrument Program
5th grade students are eligible for the strings instrument program. Rental services of those instruments are available. The instructor will forward information to 5th grade students. This is an optional in-school program.
Traffic Plan
The following is to be observed for arrival and dismissal. It is hoped that the following guidelines will provide for a safe environment for all students and adults at Henderson.
You must drive your vehicle around the front drive to drop off or pick up your child. You must stay in your vehicle and keep in the right lane only. Cones will be placed so that buses are in front of cars during dismissal. There will be a set starting point for cars to start lining up for dismissal. The first car will wait for a signal to move around for pick up.
Other points to consider for arrival and dismissal:
Provide your child with proper dress for rainy days.
A note must be on file if the child is going home in any way that is out of the norm.
Do not double park and leave your vehicle.
Students are not to cross through other vehicles or traffic.
No vehicle is allowed to pass a bus with the flashing red lights on.
All walkers will exit through the back of the building.
All students arriving to school in a car or daycare van will be dropped off ONLY in front of the school. The parking lot is used for staff and parents who need to come inside for a conference or tend to other school business.
Selected students will conduct a morning radio program. Major announcements, weather forecast, birthdays, etc.; are given at this time.
WHES-TV Channel 3
Selected students will conduct a live television broadcast, throughout the building, Friday morning. It replaces the morning radio program.